Video to promote The Transport Benevolent Fund

The Client

The Transport Benevolent Fund CIO is a Charitable Organisation supporting those who work in the public transport industry in Great Britain when they are in need, hardship or distress.


Film / Marketing


The Transport Benevolent Fund (TBF) CIO, a charitable organisation dedicated to supporting public transport workers in Great Britain during times of need, hardship, or distress. We helped enhance their outreach and engagement through a compelling film. The goal was to create a short video that showcased the organisation’s mission, the benefits of membership, and the impactful work they do. This film was intended to raise awareness, encourage new memberships, and provide a versatile promotional tool for use in various settings, from stakeholder meetings to social media platforms.


Initial Consultation and Script Development

Our journey with the TBF began with a series of detailed calls to understand their objectives, key messages, and the stories they wanted to tell. We collaborated closely with the TBF team to develop a comprehensive script that effectively communicated the organisation’s mission, how it operates, the benefits it provides to its members, and why public transport workers should consider joining. This script served as the foundation for the entire project, ensuring a clear and consistent narrative.

We put together a film plan to ensure we maximised the filming days. We ensured the logistics were taken care of and permission granted to film in busy bus depots and railway stations.


On the scheduled filming day, our team went on-site to capture the necessary footage. This included interviews with TBF members and TBF’s CEO, providing authentic testimonials and insights into the organisation’s impact. The filming process was carefully planned and executed to ensure we captured high-quality visuals and sound, which are crucial for creating an engaging and professional video.

Post-Production and Editing

Following the filming, we entered the post-production phase, where our editor worked meticulously to piece together the footage, ensuring the video flowed seamlessly and effectively conveyed the TBF’s messages. We maintained ongoing communication with the TBF team during this phase, incorporating their feedback through a couple of edits to refine the video to their satisfaction.


The final product was a powerful short film that the Transport Benevolent Fund CIO can use across multiple platforms to promote their work and attract new members. The video successfully highlights the organisation’s mission, showcases real-life testimonials, and provides a clear call to action for potential members.

Client Testimonial

It was the first time the Transport Benevolent Fund CIO made a video explaining the benefits of TBF. Like any new project, we were slightly nervous, but TeamBA was professional and efficient and made the whole experience pleasant. We are happy with the video, which will help display the charity's message throughout the public transport industry.
John Sheehy CEO, Transport Benevolent Fund CIO

Watch the final video

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